Welcome. The Two Leos (My Trusty Companion and I) are glad you stopped by. I have created this site to document and share our adventures as we travel around the United States. In 2011, these travels were limited to weekend outings and vacations. We used these to explore areas which will be visited more extensively in the future. Beginning in 2012, we expanded our travels as we transition to the full-time RV lifestyle. Check back from time to time to see our wanderings.


“...not all those who wander are lost...” Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954), The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (published 1987), "Strider", ISBN 0-395-08254-4

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We Be Beachin'

Well, it has been some time since my last update. After my trip to New Mexico, I had several months of adjustment as I transitioned from sticks and bricks to full-time RV life. After purchasing my 5th wheel trailer and new truck at the end of October, I spent a month in an RV park in Glenn Heights, Texas. This location was close enough to home that I could run back and forth as I moved things in. Now that I've been on board for a few months, I'm finding I should have spent a little more time on that process. I've left several items behind ( camera, windbreaker, etc.). But, I'll be back there in a few months and can round these things up then.

The Trusty Companion is adapting well to the full-time RV lifestyle. He does miss Cooper and their wrestling matches and would like more room to chase tennis balls. But he makes up for these shortcomings by bugging me to play tug-of-war. And, since there is no room in the trailer for his dog crate, he has adapted by sleeping in bed with me. In fact, he snuggles all night and stays in bed even after I get up. He seldom rises before 9:00 in the morning. It seems he is getting a head start on me on the retirement thing.

I spent December in Austin, at the La Hacienda RV Resort. It is a very nice facility and is within 15 miles of Kim's home.

This was great and gave me time to visit with Kim's family, Maggie nad Jonas. I entertained my first overnight guest while there.

My first overnighters, Ava and Luke
On the days when Maggie was working at the Stiener Ranch office, she was able to come over for lunch. I really enjoyed that. The only downside of the stay in Austin was the weather. The sky was overcast for almost the entire month and at times the weater was quite cold (at least cold for Austin). So, I didn't spend much time outside.

The day after Christmas I pulled up stakes and headed south. Maggie went with me and we headed for Port Aransas. It's a good thing she was along, because I'm still a little uncomfortable moving down the road with a 31 foot 5th wheel trailer by myself. We stopped for lunch in New Braunfels and had a tricky time getting out of the parking lot at Chilis. If she hadn't been there to act as by back-up guide I might have been in trouble. On the other hand, if she hadn't been along I probably wouldn't have stopped. Maggie stayed with me for a week, then Jonas drove down for New Year's weekend to take her back to Austin. It was a nice week with sun and temps in the 70's.

I'm staying at the On the Beach RV Park, which lives up to its name. From my desk window I can look out over the sand dunes and see the ocean.

View from my desk window
Since maggie left I have fallen into a workday routine, which keeps be close to home during the day Monday through Friday. Leo and I try to get out for a walk on the beach each day. He really likes the opportunity to run in circles from me to the end of his 15 foot leash. I'd turn him loose, but I'm not sure how far he would run before coming back.

Leo just knows that sea gull needs his help
So, until the end of February we'll be chillin' on the beach.