Welcome. The Two Leos (My Trusty Companion and I) are glad you stopped by. I have created this site to document and share our adventures as we travel around the United States. In 2011, these travels were limited to weekend outings and vacations. We used these to explore areas which will be visited more extensively in the future. Beginning in 2012, we expanded our travels as we transition to the full-time RV lifestyle. Check back from time to time to see our wanderings.


“...not all those who wander are lost...” Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954), The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (published 1987), "Strider", ISBN 0-395-08254-4

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Summer is drifting by. Since we have been spending the summer in one location this year, my days have become somewhat routine. One of the results of this is that I have become lazy about updating this blog. So now seems like a good time to catch up.

Fishing has been slow, due to reduced flow in many of the rivers and streams in the area. I've been told that Southern Colorado's snow pack last winter was 46% of normal. This, on top of 12 years of drought, has reduced the levels of reservoirs that provide water to the rivers and streams once the spring run-off ends. As with most of the Western United States, agriculture in the area is heavily dependent on irrigation. As we have gone through the summer, water has been diverted from the Conejos into irrigation canals further reducing the flow. So, it has been challenging to find productive waters.

Rio de los Pinos Rainbow

One of the solutions has been to go higher into the mountains to the smaller streams above the reservoirs. One such location is about 45 minutes from Mogote Meadow, above Trujilla Meadows Reservoir. Trujilla Meadows lies along the Rio de los Pinos, which is one of the most productive steams in the area. Below the reservoir the los Pinos flows through private land and/or areas that require four wheel drive to access. However, above the reservoir, there are several miles of access in the Rio Grande National Forest. By parking at the reservior I have enjoyed hiking up the los Pinos and had good results with dry flies.

Another activity I have been enjoying for the past few weeks has been the art class I am taking. I'm a long way from having the skill to produce art work that I would make pubic, but I have enjoyed the experience of painting outdoors. It combines the pleasure of being close to the natural world with the stimulus of creativity. Last week, Coni Grant (the instructor of the class) spent the first hour doing a demo for the class. The following photos and videos will give some flavor of the experience.

Sketching the scene

Sketch completed

In the following video, Coni is demonstrating the under painting step in the process.

Adding heavier paint over the under painting

Finished Demo

The Wandering Leos are also finding time to live up to our title by wandering through the mountains while exploring the many unpaved roads that traverse the Rio Grande National Forest. We really enjoy the high meadows and mountain views.

Forest Service Road 255

Mountain Meadow

Along Forest Service Road 250


Corral at Ozier Park

Rio de los Pinos below Ozier. Jeep please.

In addition to our solo wanderings (or I guess that should be duo wanderings), my Trusty Companion and I have joined other Mogote Meadows summer RV residents for outings. Last Sunday we wandered up to the site of Richard's future home in the Sheep Creek development for a cookout. Of course, it rained and hailed on us on the mountainside.

It was a nice afternoon, especially for Leo, who spent hours running through the woods.

Finally, I'd like to report on my second ride on the concert train. Last Saturday I made the run from Alamosa to the Fir Concert Venue on the Rio Grande Scenic Railroad for a concert by Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder. The show was opened by Dana and Susan Robinson, who brought a taste of Appalachia.  

Then, Ricky and Kentucky Thunder cranked up a show that kept the audience stompin' and clapin' till time to catch the train home. I videoed until my battery ran down and have posted all on YouTube in a playlist. Here is one from RS&KT:

I believe that gets me caught up through early August. I must post more frequently. This post has taken me four hours to produce (uploads are slow), so shorter more frequent post are in the offing. With fall approaching the mountains, I should have some new color to share soon. Till then, The Leos wish you well.