Welcome. The Two Leos (My Trusty Companion and I) are glad you stopped by. I have created this site to document and share our adventures as we travel around the United States. In 2011, these travels were limited to weekend outings and vacations. We used these to explore areas which will be visited more extensively in the future. Beginning in 2012, we expanded our travels as we transition to the full-time RV lifestyle. Check back from time to time to see our wanderings.


“...not all those who wander are lost...” Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954), The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (published 1987), "Strider", ISBN 0-395-08254-4

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Happy Easter from Austin, Texas. The day has been started in the traditional way of the White Family, and now the Austin branch of the Waters clan, with creamed eggs on toast. I'm given to understand that the tradition has not been embraced by New Mexico Waters. But, be that as it may, the solution to the burning question "what are we going to do with all these hard boiled eggs?" is live and well in Austin.

I must say, Kim has the art of preparation of the gourmet delight down pat. I really don't know how anyone could have Easter without it.

Leo and I are enjoying the month of April in Austin, which gives us time to visit with Kim and family, Maggie and Jonas. It has been good weather since we arrived two weeks ago, although it is beginning to get warm. Leo decided it was time to shuck the winter coat and go for his "I'm naked!!" look.

So far he hasn't gotten sun burned, but I'm afraid if we stay here too much longer he'll get singed. He has been experiencing his usual Spring dry skin issue, causing him to chew out patches of his coat before I could get him to the groomer. I've switched him to IAMS Sensitive Natural dog food made with fish as its primary ingredient to see if this will help resolve this for him. So far I can't tell if is working, but he is beginning to smell like a carp. Makes me want to wet a line.

On the right, I have added a new item to the blog. It's a map of the United States with States colored in to which the Leos have wandered. While I have visited a large portion of the country, this map only will reflect location to which we have traveled together as Wandering Leos. Just passing through won't get it colored-in. I think I'll make it a requirement that I must fish in the state before I color it in. Or perhaps going to a bluegrass festival will qualify the state as being "visited". At any rate I hope to cover some ground before the year is out. Seems like the hardest part is getting out of Texas. It's a long way to everywhere from here. And then again, why would anyone want to leave? Oh yeah.....Summers coming.

1 comment:

kimberly dyann said...

Was really great to have you here!! Nice to know I am preparing the traditional Easter breakfast correctly;). It has been wonderful to have you down the street, easy access for a quick hug.