Welcome. The Two Leos (My Trusty Companion and I) are glad you stopped by. I have created this site to document and share our adventures as we travel around the United States. In 2011, these travels were limited to weekend outings and vacations. We used these to explore areas which will be visited more extensively in the future. Beginning in 2012, we expanded our travels as we transition to the full-time RV lifestyle. Check back from time to time to see our wanderings.


“...not all those who wander are lost...” Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954), The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (published 1987), "Strider", ISBN 0-395-08254-4

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Boot Camp and Escapade Update

Last week was RV Boot Camp and this week has be Escapade in Sedalia, Missouri. Both have been highly educational.

Boot Camp was, as the name implies, intense. We did three days of seminars running from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Most were safety oriented, dealing with everything from RV fires to tire care. Heavy attention was applied to weight management (for the RV not the driver).

As we shifted into Escapade on Sunday, the seminars became more diverse. Here is an example:

Workamper News put on this seminar
I've attended a seminar covering workaming in general and another specifically about doing seasonal work for Amazon.com as a workamper. I also attended one titled "Honey let's clean the RV", one on using Picassa to manage your photos, one on how to take better digital photos, one on how to build relationships with other folks living the full-time RV lifestyle and several others.

In the evenings, the agenda shifts to entertainment. Beginning at 7:00 each night, Escapees gather in the main auditorium for door prize drawings and corny jokes.

 "There was an old sailor who had two blonde daughters..."

Following the door prize rally on Sunday evening we were entertained by Yakov Smirnoff. I can't remember when I have laughed so much. His show should not be missed if the opportunity to see it comes along.

Yakov Smirnoff - Living Happily
On Monday evening a sinus headache kept me from the entertainment (tenor George Dyre). The was no entertainment on Tuesday night while Ham-O-Rama rehearsals were going on in the auditorium. Then tonight, Ham-O-Rama!! This is the Escapade talent show.

91 year old Escapee, who has been full-timing for 35 years.

The younger end of the spectrum.

Every talent show needs a Cowboy's Sweetheart.

In addition to seminars and entertainment, there are opportunities to make contact with Escapee Chapters from across the country and a variety of BOFs (Birds Of A Feather - groups with common interest). I've checked into the Alamo and Rocky Mountain High Chapters. Chapters have monthly lunch get togethers, as well as local rallies. I've also joined the NOMADS (an outreach ministry of the United Methodist Church), BOOMERS (self-explanitory) and SOLOs ( a BOF for solo RV travelers).

Tomorrow is the wrap-up of seminars, closing ceremony and after-hours dance party. Friday morning is the Hook-up Breakfast that officially ends Escapade. I'll be hitting the road Saturday, after taking my rig through SmartWeigh, to be sure I'm operating within limits. I'll also use tomorrow to get more pictures before the crowd scatters.

Then it's on down the road for the Escapee Leos.

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