Welcome. The Two Leos (My Trusty Companion and I) are glad you stopped by. I have created this site to document and share our adventures as we travel around the United States. In 2011, these travels were limited to weekend outings and vacations. We used these to explore areas which will be visited more extensively in the future. Beginning in 2012, we expanded our travels as we transition to the full-time RV lifestyle. Check back from time to time to see our wanderings.


“...not all those who wander are lost...” Tolkien, J. R. R. (1954), The Fellowship of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (published 1987), "Strider", ISBN 0-395-08254-4

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday Ramblings

It's kind of a lazy Saturday here.  It has been raining occasionally since about 10:00 AM. This is unusual.  We haven't seen more than a few showers since we got to the San Luis valley in mid-May.  Fortunately, my Trusty Companion and I got in a walk before the rain started.

So, it's been a good day to hit the books.  In my case that means reading a novel on my Kindle.  I'm currently reading a political thriller, Extreme Measures by Vince Flynn.  My summer reading list has been a mix of westerns (by Ben Bridges and Louis L'Amour) and political thrillers (by David Baldacci and Vince Flynn).  I must say, I dig my Kindle.  I have over 60 books in my library, which would add a lot of weight to my trailer if they weren't digital.

While I read, I keep Bluegrass Junction on SiriusXM playing in the background.  Every once in awhile the background moves into the foreground when a song catches my attention. That happened today.  I heard the line "If the 4-H club and the FFA were the only local gangs, where you grew up..." and I was hooked.  As I listened, I could identify with every line.  So, I immediately went to Amazon and found the album from which the song came and added it to the 11,491 tracts I have in my Amazon cloud drive music library (there's no such thing as too much bluegrass).  Then, so I could share the song, I went out to YouTube to find it.  No luck.  That got me started on one of those computer weenie projects I still haven't gotten out of my system since retiring.  I've spent the past few hours researching different methods of adding music files to my blog. After several unsatisfactory attempts, I think I have it figured out.  Here's the result.  Let me know if it doesn't work

Clearly, I need a hobby!!! Fishing is good, but it's hard to do with my Trusty Companion and I still wind up with time on my hands.  So, starting next Thursday I'm taking a painting class at the Alamosa Parks & Recreation Family Recreation Center.  It's a five week class, with the first week in a classroom and the rest outdoors.  If it goes well, I'll follow up with the next five weeks.

As the ramblings of this post illustrate, I NEED A HOBBY.

Ok....now I'll close and go pick my guitar. Oh...wait....That's a hobby!!!!

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